235 Best Mormon Pick Up Lines

Mormon Pick Up Lines

When it comes to breaking the ice, pick up lines can be a fun and memorable way to start a conversation. For members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, or Mormons, incorporating faith-based humor into pick up lines can add a personal and unique touch. Whether you’re looking for something sweet, cheesy, or downright hilarious, this guide covers it all. Get ready to explore the best Mormon pick up lines, including some gems from Reddit, and even a few that might make you blush.

Mormon Pick Up Lines

Mormon pick up lines often draw inspiration from the faith’s teachings, culture, and scriptures. These lines can be a delightful way to connect with someone who shares your beliefs and sense of humor. Here are a few classic Mormon pick up lines to get you started:

  • “Are you a convert? Because you’ve just changed my life.”
  • “Do you have a name, or can I call you mine?”
  • “Is your name Virtue? Because you garnish my thoughts unceasingly.”
  • “Are you a scripture? Because I’ve been studying you all night.”
  • “Do you have a map? Because I just got lost in your eyes and I need to find my way to the temple.”
  • “Is it fast Sunday? Because I’m starving… for your love.”
  • “Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by the Young Single Adults activity again?”
  • “Are you the iron rod? Because I can’t let go of you.”
  • “Is your name Virtue? Because you garnish my thoughts unceasingly.”
  • “Are you an angel? Because heaven is missing one.”
  • “Do you have a CTR ring? Because I can’t see your hand, but I’d love to hold it.”
  • “Is your name Faith? Because you’ve got me believing in love.”
  • “Are you the Liahona? Because you have me pointed in the right direction.”
  • “I must be a seer, because I can see us together forever.”
  • “Do you have a moment for me to bear my testimony? Because I believe you’re the one.”
  • “Can I walk you home? The Spirit might prompt us to go the same way.”
  • “You must be a return missionary, because you just converted my heart.”
  • “Is your dad a General Authority? Because you’re a blessing in my life.”
  • “Can I buy you a drink at the ward activity? Maybe some root beer?”
  • “Are you related to Alma the Younger? Because you’ve awakened my soul.”
  • “Is your name Charity? Because you never fail to make me smile.”
  • “Are you a convert? Because you’ve just baptized my heart.”
  • “Do you have a minute for a home teaching visit? Because I feel like we have a connection.”

Mormon Pick Up Lines from Reddit

Reddit is a treasure trove of user-generated content, and pick up lines are no exception. The r/Mormon subreddit is a place where members share their experiences, humor, and yes, pick up lines. Here are some popular picks from Reddit:

  • “Are you a return missionary? Because you’ve returned to my heart.”
  • “Do you believe in modern revelation? Because I feel like you were meant for me.”
  • “Excuse me, I think you dropped something: MY JAW!”
  • “Are you a scripture? Because I can’t stop pondering you.”
  • “Is it fast Sunday? Because I feel like I’ve been fasting from your love.”
  • “Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by you again at the ward activity?”
  • “You must be the iron rod, because I’m holding on tight.”
  • “Is your name Virtue? Because you garnish my thoughts unceasingly.”
  • “Are you the Liahona? Because you guide me in the right direction.”
  • “I must be Nephi, because I’m following the Spirit to you.”
  • “Are you a returned missionary? Because you’ve converted my heart.”
  • “You must be a scripture mastery verse, because I can’t get you out of my mind.”
  • “Is your dad a General Authority? Because you’re a blessing in my life.”
  • “Can I buy you a drink at the ward social? Maybe some root beer?”
  • “Is your name Charity? Because you never fail to make me smile.”
  • “Are you the temple? Because I want to be sealed with you.”
  • “Do you have a minute for me to bear my testimony? Because I believe you’re the one.”
  • “Are you related to Alma the Younger? Because you’ve awakened my soul.”
  • “I must be a seer, because I can see us together forever.”
  • “Is it a coincidence, or were we both just meant to be at this fireside?”
  • “You must be a convert, because you’ve baptized my heart.”
  • “Can I walk you home from the ward activity? I feel the Spirit leading me to you.”
  • “Are you an angel? Because heaven is missing one.”

These lines not only showcase creativity but also a shared understanding of Mormon culture and lingo.

LDS Pick Up Lines

LDS (Latter-day Saints) pick up lines often incorporate elements of the faith’s teachings and scriptures. They can be a playful way to express interest while staying true to one’s beliefs. Here are some LDS-specific lines:

  • “Do you have a map? Because I just got lost in your eyes at the temple.”
  • “Is it fast Sunday? Because you’ve been fasting on my mind all day.”
  • “Are you a scripture? Because I’ve been studying you all night.”
  • “Are you a scripture? Because I want to ponder you day and night.”
  • “You must be a revelation, because you answer all my prayers.”
  • “Is your name Virtue? Because you garnish my thoughts unceasingly.”
  • “Do you have a CTR ring? Because I can’t Choose The Right without you.”
  • “Are you the iron rod? Because I’m holding on and never letting go.”
  • “Is it fast Sunday? Because I’m fasting for your love.”
  • “You must be the Liahona, because you point me in the right direction.”
  • “I must be Nephi, because I’m going where the Spirit leads me—and it’s to you.”
  • “Is your dad a General Authority? Because you’re heavenly.”
  • “Are you a returned missionary? Because you’ve converted my heart.”
  • “Is it sacrament meeting? Because I’m feeling blessed to see you.”
  • “Are you a temple? Because I want to be sealed with you for time and all eternity.”
  • “You must be a scripture mastery verse, because I want to memorize you.”
  • “Can I share my testimony? Because I believe you’re the one.”
  • “Are you the tree of life? Because I’m filled with joy whenever I’m near you.”
  • “Do you have a map? Because I just got lost in your eyes and need to find my way to the temple.”
  • “Is your name Faith? Because you’ve got me believing in love.”
  • “You must be a convert, because you’ve baptized my heart.”
  • “Can I walk you home from the ward activity? I feel the Spirit prompting me to.”
  • “Are you the Book of Mormon? Because I can’t put you down.”

Cheesy Mormon Pick Up Lines

Sometimes, the cheesier the pick up line, the better. These lines are perfect for those who love a good pun and aren’t afraid to show it:

  • “Do you have a sunbeam? Because you light up my life.”
  • “Are you a celestial kingdom? Because being with you feels like heaven.”
  • “Is your dad a prophet? Because you were foretold in my dreams.”
  • “Are you Nephi? Because you’ve got the plates to my heart.”
  • “Is your name Ammon? Because you’re making my heart convert.”
  • “Do you have a map? I just keep getting lost in your eyes like the Liahona.”
  • “Are you a member of the Quorum of the Twelve? Because you’ve got apostolic authority over my heart.”
  • “Are you Moroni? Because you’ve raised my expectations.”
  • “Do you have 10 kids? Because you’ve got a whole lot of blessings.”
  • “Are you a temple recommend? Because you’re worthy of my affection.”
  • “Is your name Alma? Because I’d love to ponderize our future together.”
  • “Do you have a CTR ring? Because I choose you every time.”
  • “Are you the iron rod? Because I want to hold onto you for eternity.”

Meeting Pick Up Lines

Church meetings, social events, and activities provide plenty of opportunities to use pick up lines. Here are some lines tailored for these occasions:

  • “Can I follow you home? Because my parents always told me to follow my dreams.”
  • “Do you mind if I walk you home from institute? The spirit is strong, but I’m feeling weak.”
  • “I must be a seer, because I see us together in the future.”
  • “Are you the agenda? Because you’re the only thing I’m focused on.”
  • “Is this a meeting or did heaven just send me an angel?”
  • “Are you the keynote speaker? Because you’ve captured my attention.”
  • “Are you a presentation? Because you’ve got my full engagement.”
  • “Is this a brainstorming session? Because you’ve sparked some great ideas in my mind.”
  • “Are you the chairperson? Because you’ve taken control of my heart.”
  • “Is this a networking event? Because meeting you feels like a valuable connection.”
  • “Are you the coffee break? Because you’re the refreshing pause I’ve been waiting for.”
  • “Are you the meeting room? Because I want to spend some quality time with you.”
  • “Is this a team-building exercise? Because you and I make a great pair.”

Best Mormon Pick Up Lines

If you’re looking for the crème de la crème of Mormon pick up lines, here are some top picks that are sure to impress:

  • “Are you an angel? Because heaven is missing one.”
  • “Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?”
  • “Is it okay if I sit next to you during sacrament meeting? Because you make my heart sing hymns.”
  • “Are you a pioneer? Because I’d follow you across the plains.”
  • “Is your name Joseph? Because you’ve got me seeing stars like the ones on your coat.”
  • “Are you part of the Relief Society? Because you’ve relieved my heart of all its worries.”
  • “Is your name Brigham? Because you’ve built a kingdom in my heart.”
  • “Are you a scripture? Because every time I read you, I learn something new.”
  • “Are you a missionary? Because you’ve converted me to love at first sight.”
  • “Are you the sacrament bread? Because you’ve got me feeling spiritually nourished.”
  • “Is your name Zion? Because being with you feels like paradise.”
  • “Are you the Holy Ghost? Because you’ve filled my heart with warmth and light.”
  • “Are you the Tree of Life? Because being with you feels like partaking of the fruit of eternal joy.”

Book of Mormon Pick Up Lines

The Book of Mormon is a rich source of inspiration for pick up lines. These lines cleverly incorporate scriptural references for a witty and thoughtful touch:

  • “Are you from the Book of Mormon? Because Alma not going to let you go.”
  • “Is your name Helaman? Because you’ve fortified my heart.”
  • “You must be the tree of life, because your beauty is beyond description.”
  • “Are you a golden plate? Because you’ve got a message I want to uncover.”
  • “Are you Alma the Younger? Because you’ve got me on my knees praying for a change of heart.”
  • “Is your name Nephi? Because you’ve made me want to build a life with you.”
  • “Are you the Liahona? Because you’re guiding my heart straight to you.”
  • “Are you Abish? Because you’ve got me seeing miracles in your presence.”
  • “Are you the Jaredite barges? Because being with you feels like crossing oceans of love.”
  • “Are you the city of Enoch? Because you’ve lifted my soul to higher grounds.”
  • “Are you the brass plates? Because your presence brings light and knowledge into my life.”
  • “Are you the Book of Ether? Because being with you feels like exploring new dimensions of love.”
  • “Are you Captain Moroni? Because you’ve raised the banner of love in my heart.”

Dirty Mormon Pick Up Lines

While it’s important to keep things respectful, some lines walk the fine line of playful and cheeky. Here are a few that add a bit of spice, but still stay within the bounds of good taste:

  • “Do you have a calling? Because I’ve been called to love you.”
  • “Are you fasting? Because you’ve got me hungry for more.”
  • “Is your dad a bishop? Because you’ve got me confessing my love.”
  • “Are you a temple? Because I want to spend all day inside you.”
  • “Do you have a recommend? Because I’d love to explore your celestial room.”
  • “Is your name Zion? Because I want to build an eternal relationship with you.”
  • “Are you wearing garments? Because I can’t seem to stop thinking about what’s underneath.”
  • “Do you have a testimony of chastity? Because I’d like to put it to the test.”
  • “Are you a missionary? Because I want to be converted by your love.”
  • “Are you a Liahona? Because you always point me in the right direction.”
  • “Do you have oil? Because I want to anoint you with blessings.”
  • “Is your name Brigham? Because I want to be your 20th wife.”
  • “Are you a sacrament cup? Because I want to drink in your love.”
  • “Do you have a Book of Mormon? Because I want to study your scriptures.”
  • “Is your dad a bishop? Because I’m feeling the need for some confession.”
  • “Do you have the gift of tongues? Because I’d love to speak in yours.”
  • “Are you a golden plate? Because I want to uncover your secrets.”
  • “Do you have faith like a mustard seed? Because you’re moving mountains in my heart.”
  • “Are you a pioneer? Because I want to journey with you to the promised land.”
  • “Do you have the gift of discernment? Because I can’t hide my feelings for you.”
  • “Are you a temple recommend holder? Because you’ve got my temple recommend rising.”
  • “Is your name Joseph? Because I’d like to have a revelation about our relationship.”
  • “Are you the iron rod? Because I want to hold onto you through the mists of darkness.”

Funny Mormon Pick Up Lines

Humor is a great way to connect with someone and show off your personality. Here are some funny Mormon pick up lines that are sure to get a laugh:

  • “Are you Nephi? Because you make me want to be a better person.”
  • “Did it hurt? When you fell from the celestial kingdom?”
  • “Are you a missionary? Because I can’t resist your good news.”
  • “Are you a Nephite? Because you’re making my heart beat like Moroni’s drum.”
  • “Is your name Ammon? Because you’ve chopped down the walls around my heart.”
  • “Are you a covenant path? Because I want to walk it with you.”
  • “Do you have a recommend? Because you’ve been approved for my heart.”
  • “Is your name Lehi? Because you’ve led my heart to a promised land.”
  • “Are you the iron rod? Because I want to hold onto you through the mists of dating.”
  • “Is your dad a bishop? Because you’ve got me confessing my love.”
  • “Are you a seminary teacher? Because I want to study your scriptures all night long.”
  • “Are you a missionary? Because I’d like to bear my testimony of how much I like you.”
  • “Do you have the gift of tongues? Because I can’t seem to speak when I’m around you.”
  • “Is your name Alma? Because you’ve planted the word of love in my heart.”
  • “Are you a temple? Because being with you feels like being in the house of the Lord.”
  • “Do you have faith like a mustard seed? Because you’ve got me believing in love again.”
  • “Is your name Abish? Because you’ve silently converted me to love.”
  • “Are you a Restoration? Because being with you feels like a new beginning.”
  • “Are you a spiritual giant? Because you’ve got me falling to my knees in prayer for a date.”
  • “Is your name Ether? Because every time I’m around you, time seems to stand still.”
  • “Are you a sunbeam? Because you’ve brightened up my day.”
  • “Do you have the gift of healing? Because you’ve healed my lonely heart.”
  • “Is your name Enos? Because I’ve been praying all night for you to say yes to a date.”


Whether you’re at a church event, a social gathering, or just looking to make someone smile, Mormon pick up lines can be a fun and effective way to break the ice. From the cheesy and funny to the scriptural and spiritual, there’s a pick up line for every occasion and personality. Remember, the best pick up lines are delivered with confidence and a smile. So go ahead, give these lines a try and see where the conversation takes you!

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